Good morning, How's everyone feeling today and what are you all up to this weekend?
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The Aunty Social Forum. A place for introverts, quiet folk and those who want to escape the chaos of social media. Autism - Social Anxiety - Introversion - Neurodivergent - United Kingdom - UK
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Another Monday arrives, and we shall see what this week holds. Can we possibly sell our house? I'm not holding out much hope because we have the worst estate agent ever on the case.
Angry here this weekend. Got my copy of the needs assessments back from social services and the social worker has completely overlooked my mums needs. Will be phoning SS tomorrow to request a re-assessment and copies of everything they have on file.
All good here, great day at the beach yesterday 🖤
Today, it's wet out so I'm deciding which Cormac McCarthy book to start first. I've not read him before. Has anyone else?
My choice options are 'Blood Meridian' or 'The Road'... 🤔