Check out my interview with Dennis from Psychreg.
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The Aunty Social Forum. A place for introverts, quiet folk and those who want to escape the chaos of social media. Autism - Social Anxiety - Introversion - Neurodivergent - United Kingdom - UK
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I've just watched the first ten minutes of this and I just want to say how powerful it is.
As you know, Jon is an unpaid carer for me and I also have close family members in the same position. This is really helpful.
You've also raised some really important points about the trajectory of being a carer, how the world changes but for many people caring for loved ones, they are unable to move with that world. Just reached the point about support for carers who have lost loved ones and what that means for the carer. You're so right, there is too much expectation for a button to be pressed after loss, and an alternative life of employment to magically appear.
I think that employment and productivity expectations are too high, and realistic options too few. This has really got me thinking. If you would like to talk in the future we may have potential for a campaign collaboration here from both your perspective and also the parallels that we see here at ASW.
Thank you for sharing this here.