My lad recently became a teenager. Yeah, pray for me. But it got me to thinking about the toys enjoyed by them, in comparison to myself. I list my top 5 toys of my youth (in no particular order), what are yours, and why?
1.Transformers - coupled with the TV program I had a huge collection, and used to love changing them from robot to vehicle or otherwise. Favourites were Soundwave (tape recorder), Starscream (F15 jet) and of course the mighty Devastator who was made up of 5 mini robots/construction vehicles! Honourable mention goes to the Dinobots. 2. Lego - come on now, who doesn't love Lego??!! (no,not Legos, it's not sodding plural like that). My favourite themes were Space, and Fire & Rescue (still love Lego... I don't think you can ever out grow it).
3. Micro Machines - tiny little cars and vehicles! I used to love these, even had tiny aircraft and a storage box shaped like an aircraft carrier!
4.Star Wars figures and vehicles by Kenner. What's not to love about being able to play with your own Wookiee?
5. ViewMaster - put in the circular slideshow in the viewmaster, hold up and see images of all sorts from your favourite tv shows, films and places. Loved this.
I of course speak from a boy's perspective, at the time (80s), there was very much a distinction in the shops with blue and pink aisles, unfortunately. Although I did like Cabbage Patch Kids, Polly Pocket, and She-Ra to play along with He-Man and Skeletor...
Did anyone ever have one of these? I remembered having this exact one. Played it for hours before I got a Super Nintendo.
I think we sold it for a couple of quid at a car boot sale. Just seen them on EBay for over £700 quid 😖