A week has passed since we attended Wales Comic Con in Telford last weekend. We've both been a bit wiped out. It was our first time at a Con, and in true form for us, we've needed some time just to recoup and process everything that we saw and did. We still haven't quite got over it. Being first timers it was a surreal experience.
Going to the Con isn't our only first. For the first time ever, we're going to tell you an Aunty Social World story through audio. I know, don't laugh. To be honest, when we working out how to share our story of all that happened, there just wouldn't have been scope to share everything through the written word together. Even writing this now is a bit of a blather and I didn't even end up going to the Con (more on that to come).
So, without further ado, here is our first Aunty Social Story. Straight from our brand new YouTube channel, we hope you like it...
Do you have any Comic Con experiences that you would like to share?
If so, feel free to share below and head over to our new YouTube channel where you can subscribe for future updates.
L and J
I have been to a very small, local comic con and it was so much fun walking around the large hall, etc. It seem like this one in Telford had some great guests (I adore Giancarlo Esposito) and some people with great costumes!
Molly | transatlanticnotes.com